Soaked and Soaped with Suds: The Lowdown on Foam Parties

Aside from good music, digital lighting, and a steady supply of booze, there are numerous ways by which dance club crowds can be livened up a notch or two. Trends in the rave subculture like glowsticking and laser light shows are also being adopted by dance clubs in general. One of these dance club trends that have entered mainstream entertainment are foam parties, which involve dancing while getting covered with bubbles and suds generated by foam machines.

Foam parties are not limited to dance clubs, as there are now a lot of private foam parties being held in various places all over the world. A known example of a private foam party is the Mather Lather, a college-wide private foam party held annually at the Mather House in Harvard University. Foam parties are a lot of fun, but there are also certain downsides to having, or going to, one. As always, safety precautions should still be followed whilst you’re having soapy fun.

Dancing in clubs involves a lot of sweating and rubbing against each other’s bodies. Now the chemicals of sweat, alcohol components, and foam/suds properties may not mesh well. A lot of foam party-goers have often complained about having allergic reactions from the foam used. The general rule in throwing foam parties is to use hypoallergenic and non-staining solutions for suds. Detergents and regular house soaps should not be used in making foam because these can cause eye irritations, chemical burns, and are risky for those who have MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity).

Safety concerns and issues are easier to deal with in private foam parties because the environment is more controlled. Unlike with nightclubs, you have electrical equipment and lighting to worry about (read: electrocution). Also, fragile and breakable objects should be kept out of reach in foam party venues. Unless you’d like to have damaged property and glass shards all over the place, you would do well to keep your valuables away from the writhing and grinding bodies. Foam parties do not usually require a dress code, but if the venue permits, it would be more ideal to wear beach attire so you’d be more comfortable while dancing.

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